What will we be doing second semester in AP Language?

  • The Grapes of Wrath (3 weeks)
  • Wilderness in the American Experience (3 weeks)
  • Satire and Parody (2 weeks)
  • Politics and Protest (3 weeks)
  • THE WEEKS OF DOOM (3 weeks)


Notes for The Great Gatsby are available in this folder.

1. F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said that “there are no second acts in American lives.” Do the life and death of Jay Gatsby demonstrate this claim or refute it? Does the novel ultimately argue that one can never re-invent himself?

2. Point of View is one of the most powerful techniques of The Great Gatsby. Explain how Fitzgerald’s use of a ‘witness’ point of view impacts the reader and allows Fitzgerald to develop his themes. Why does he occasionally transgress this point of view, and with what impact?

3. Fitzgerald is known as the preeminent chronicler of the Jazz Age, perhaps better depicting its excesses and virtues better than anyone. How does Nick Carraway demonstrate both attraction to and repulsion from the lives of the incredibly rich inhabitants of Long Island?

4. How does Fitzgerald use the juxtaposition of Carraway/Gatsby and Buchanan/Carraway to reveal more about each character?

5. What is ultimately the most to blame for the tragic end of the novel: Gatsby’s nostalgic desire for the past, Daisy’s selfishness, or Nick’s silence?

6. Does Jay Gatsby or Nick Carraway fit the role of a tragic or modern American hero?

This YouTube video shows how coverage of the Viet Nam War was very different from coverage of the War in Iraq. We don’t have time to watch the film in class, but if you are interested, you should definitely look into watching the film Enemy Image, which discusses the way media shapes war. The whole film is actually posted on YouTube.


A few thoughts as we come to the close of the propaganda unit:

Important Dates
  • Test Part 1 (Propaganda Techniques): Friday
  • Test Part 2 (Orwell, Chomsky, Ellul, Postman): Monday
  • Propaganda Presentations: Tuesday, December 21
  • Propaganda Papers: Friday, December 24 8:30 p.m.
Notes and Resources
Madison County Commission members include Frank Nelson, David Schulz and Ted Coffman. Both Schulz and Coffman’s name were misspelled in Thursday’s Independent Record. All of them are available to the public at their commission offices, and can be reached to discuss issues at 843-4277. They do not have unlisted telephone numbers.
The name of attorney Jim Goetz also was misspelled, as was Seyler Lane.
A quote was incorrectly attributed to Howard Chrest, a member of the Public Lands/Water Access Association Inc. The comment that begins with the statement “Jim Kennedy owns land on both side of the Ruby (River) …” should have been attributed to former PLAAI director Tony Schoonen.


Those are just the first three paragraphs.