We will have a quiz over the Shakespeare unit on Friday. Be prepared to write thoughtful paragraphs about the language and ideas contained in excerpts from soliloquies from these plays:

  • Mark Antony
  • Henry V
  • Taming the Shrew
  • Hamlet
  • As You Like It

Your second rhetorical device is due Monday in class. Ideally, you’ll print it, but you can also share it via Google Docs.

Please remember to do the formatting correctly and to take your device from either the Henry V or Julius Caesar speech we read in class.

These are the templates you can use for the rhetorical device assignment.

The sample is available here.

Your essay about policing in the United States is due by the start of class on Wednesday. Please be sure to read the prompt and follow all of its requirements, including the use of sources and MLA citation.

Don’t forget that first drafts should reflect careful editing and attention to detail.

You will have some class time on Tuesday to work on the essay.

We will have a test over Letter from a Birmingham Jail on Monday.

Completing the study guide is an optional assignment, but doing it will almost certainly improve your score on the exam.

The final for Honors II will have three parts. I will link study material here over the next few days:


Grading Scale for Compare/Contrast Write Portion of the Test

  • 6: 100
  • 5.5 95
  • 5: 92.5
  • 4.5: 87.5
  • 4: 85
  • 3.5: 80
  • 3: 70
  • <3: Automatic Retake

We’ll discuss the schedule on Wednesday. Hope you’re enjoying the last days of break.