Entries by dpogreba

Lincoln Analysis Revision Material

Your Lincoln revisions (and late first drafts) are due Friday in class. Please make sure to have them printed and attached to the revision guide and, if appropriate, your first draft. First Period Highlights Third Period Highlights Revision Guide    

AP Language Propaganda Exam Potential Questions

These are the potential questions for the propaganda exam on Friday. Each should be answered in a thoughtful, specific paragraph of 6-10 sentences that demonstrates an understanding of the text, our discussion, and the notes. Construct an argument in which you prove Chomsky and Herman wrong. Why might their model not work? Be sure to […]

AP Language: Lincoln Analysis Essay

Your next analysis essay, about Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, will be due Sunday, March 17 at 12:00 p.m. via Google Docs. A few important tips for the assignment: Don’t rely on outside research or information, other than references to history that Lincoln is addressing. Be consistent in your tense. Offer a compelling thesis Don’t forget […]